Why it's important to work with company's that are members in regards to your assisted living placement needs.
PASRS is the professional association for the senior residential service industry. PASRS was originally founded in Arizona by members who saw concerns in the senior referral industry. Deceptive and shady business practices were tarnishing the industry to some extent and the founders of PASRS decided to do something about it. Most, if not all, members have deep and personal connections with the work conducted and who they do it with.
"Through its strong local presence, NPRA of Central Arizona works to promote and protect the senior placement industry so that senior adults and their families looking for senior care and/or housing options may receive the level of care and access to knowledge they deserve to make informed decisions" - NPRA website
Best Practices
Touring with the client or clients representative whenever possible.
Disclosing to clients the nature and source of their compensation.
Conduct a quality intake in order to present the options most suitable to each clients specific care needs, financial resources and personal preferences.
When possible, provide multiple suitable options to the client for any resource being referred.
Reviewing all state facility or care violations reports associated with the senior living provider being referred and share the results with the client.
Personally visit and research a senior living provider before referring the property to a client.
Respectfully decline any form of gifting beyond the customary referral fee.
To inquire if a client is working with another agency.
Complying with all state and federal rules.
To assist NPRA of any grievances lodged against an agent with respect to the Best Practices.
Who you work with matters
Hopefully this post sheds light on what NPRA and PASRS stand for and ultimately, why its best to work with individuals who are members. The members are held to the highest standard of integrity for the betterment of the industry, and most importantly, for the clients and family's they work with. A Better Solution for Senior Living is one of the proud founders of PASRS.